Friday, March 11, 2011

1. How can a photograph become more than just an "image"?
    -I think that when a photographer is trying to convey something through the image then it becomes more that just a picture. When the photo speaks to the person that is looking at it, it is more meaningful. The image should have a deeper meaning that may be harder or easier for the viewer to find inside of the photograph.

2. What affect does size or scale have on the power of a photograph?
    -Depending on the message that you are trying to portray, is how big that you want to make the photograph. If someone is trying to portray and really important message or something that can effect a lot of people, they should make the size bigger. If the picture is just a small message someone can make it small or big, however they see that it would be the most affective for their purposes.

3. How does location and context change the way we perceive and understand photographs?
   -Location can affect the way we perceive an image. Depending on who or what group of people you are trying to speak to through your image, is where you should place the image. For example, JR put his photos on big buildings where multiple groups of people would be able to see all of his images. He even put some of his photos in neighborhoods and places that were less fortunate and in poverty and I think that that made the photo more powerful to the people looking at.

4. What can you take from JR's photographs to make your images stronger? How might your pictures become more impactful?
   -What I can take from JR's photographs is that depending on what you are trying to portray in your photograph, you should make the size bigger or smaller if it would be a stronger photo one way or the other. If I want my pictures to be more impactful I think that I would be able to choose the size of the image that would best make my picture more powerful. 

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